Written By Gene Convery
Townsend has gone from playing outback pubs to some of the biggest clubs in the country in a few short years. His passion for the industry and his love of music was his driving force to get to where he is today. He now spreads his love of music not only through the creation of his own music but by coaching and mentoring up and coming DJs though the Your Shot competition and though his home venue The Met.
How did you get your start as a DJ?
Years ago I was on a working holiday in Alice Springs doing bartending. One night after my shift I was chatting to the DJ that was working and I was asking him about all the buttons and what they did. He showed me the basics then said “have fun” while walking out for a smoke and stayed out there. I was terrified. I had no idea what I was doing and was forced to figure it out. I was thrown in the deep end and made to swim. I played what would have been one of the most cringe-worthy sets ever but after that night I was hooked. From then on I was annoying anyone with a set of decks into showing me stuff. When I later moved back to the Gold Coast I found a short beginner DJ course in Brisbane which was being taught by Josh Jett (who would later become one of the founding members of ‘Mashd N Kutcher’) and through that course I met my now mate Levi and we formed a duo called ‘Hashtags’ which lasted a few years. It was a lot of fun and a great learning experience.
What was your first paid gig and how did you get it?
My first paid gig was as the duo ‘Hashtags’ at The Royal George. It was a mutual friend who hired us as a trial to see if we were a good fit. I still remember the train ride in and one of us, I won’t say who… just that it wasn’t me, vomited from nerves. This first gig leads to our residency at The Vault a small room underneath The Bank nightclub (now the The Marquee Bar). For these early gigs, I had to drag my decks all over Fortitude Valley, set up, play an eight-hour set, pack it up then repeat. It was a pain in the ass but also convinced me that it was something I wanted badly enough to keep pursuing.
You are a Yourshot success story, what was your experience like in that competition?
I entered as an experienced DJ wildcard in 2016. In this category, you’re expected to already know your stuff and just given a few hours to get used to their gear. But getting to know everyone and just being apart of the event and the culture it creates has been one of the most incredible experiences I’ve had to date. As corny as it sounds you really do make friends for life and motivates you just by being around like-minded and passionate people. So in the following years when I was offered the chance to come back as a Mentor/Trainer I jumped at it. It has been amazing to teach the students who come in knowing nothing about DJing and then getting to watch them grow, learn and make life long friendships. It’s cool to see them come so far in such a short time. On the day of competition, they are all so full of nerves and shitting themselves but then are able to pull it together, put on a great show and just enjoy the experience. I love what the competition gives, it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Yourshot draws some criticism for being becoming nothing more than a popularity contest. What are your thoughts on what it was and what it is today?
On it being a popularity contest I really don’t think I can agree, the contestants do sell tickets however the only benefit that gives them is a better set time. As a judge on the panel our criteria in the competition is based on the technical, mixing ability and stage presence so the set itself, not their ticket sales. It just comes down to how they perform on the night.
You host your own nights at The Met, how did that come about?
It’s a really cool concept the Met has been doing where they give one of the resident DJs full control of the roster in the Coco room for a night and call it “…. and friends”. My night was a crazy one for sure. I actually booked a few of my Yourshot students because of their talent and now they play for the Met as residents.
We have all had a great laugh at your socials over the last week when is cooking with Townsend coming back?
Ah yes, I guess I need to plan on making some more in the near future. It started as just me and my sister messing around at home with my camera for a bit of fun. I didn’t expect the reaction it got and now the demand for more haha. So lately I have been mucking around with ideas for a few more episodes. It was a ton of fun to make and people seemed to really enjoy it so more is definitely on the way.
On your Facebook it says you are also a Ninja, tell us about that?
I am not at liberty to go into detail on this…
Is this just you being you on your socials?
All the content is 100% me… except when it’s not… but that’s beside the point… no one can prove anything… I want my lawyer. Anyways in primary school, I was expelled (or asked to leave) for being a smart ass and I haven’t changed. I get a kick out of being a dickhead to get people laughing or just doing silly things for a reaction, that won’t be stopping anytime soon. So if anything you’ll be seeing more of it on my socials.
With summer fast approaching what’s coming up for you?
Mostly focused on my bikini bod. Less importantly I have new tracks in the works and waiting for release, including a few collaborations with other artists that I am really excited about.
We close all our interviews with the same question, what’s the craziest thing you have seen from behind the decks?
Oh man the shit you see from there. I’ve seen everything from a proposal (she said yes btw), people streaking, exceptionally bad dancing and once saw a guy on a pair of wheelies tearing up the dance floor.
But my craziest experience to date has been standing on stage with Skrillex (my idol since day dot) and watching him perform one of my favourite songs. I was arm in arm with some of my best friends in the business and we were crying like teenage girls at a Taylor Swift concert. I’ll never forget that night, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life.
If you do nothing else today watch cooking with Townsend below and follow him on his socials for great music and some quality laughs!!