Now that all the Media reports are done from media that have never set foot into a festival or watch them from an air-conditioned press booth. Its time to hear from someone that went and LOVED IT!!
From the time Ultra announced they were coming to Australia I was both excited and apprehensive. On the one hand, we had one of the biggest festival brands in the world coming to Australia and hitting 2 cities. On the other, it was going to be run by Lucky Entertainment who have never done anything of this size before and in today's current festival climate they had a massive task ahead of them.
When the first phase of artist got announced it was clear that this was going to be a Trap Heavy line up, We can not seem to let Trap die in this country no matter how much I want it to. They did, however, lock in the world number 1 Martin Garrix and arguably one of the best techno acts on the planet at the moment Adam Bayer to headline The Resistance Stage.
The day had arrived for Ultra Melbourne and I was still not convinced that I was going to an event that was going to be able to follow the likes of Ultra Miami, Europe and Korea. I was hoping that this was not going to tarnish the name of Ultra and kill all chances of an event like this coming back.
As I walked towards the main gate I had a lovely little golden retriever being held by a large police officer sit down beside me, He was not looking for a pat. I was escorted by 2 officers to a mobile command centre. On the short walk there I was told that this would be a full strip search. I was less than impressed by this information however I knew that saying no to this is an omission of guilt to the police and I would be there for hours.
I agreed to the search and after some questions by the Sargent in charge, I was taken into a tent with the 2 officers that pick me up at the gate. I was instructed to remove my clothing 1 item at a time. The officers searched each bit before telling me to take off the next until I was naked. At which point I was told to turn around and squat, I had some apprehension in doing this as I knew they could not ask me to do this. That being said I had my friends waiting and I wanted to get into the festival. The police and i had a chat about it and I did as they requested. Once there were ZERO drugs found on me they let me put my clothes back on. I then went back out to the Sargent in charge and answered a few questions and was sent on my way. Getting in after the was a breeze.
As I entered the festival it had a very different feel to it, it did not feel like a Stereo or Future, It felt better. That being said I was not looking forward to the next few hours as it was all Trap. Slushii was on stage as we walked in, followed by Illuminum, Marshmello, Martin Garrix and The Chainsmokers. I did my best to listen to the acts critically and enjoy a genre that I would normally not listen to at all.You know what
"I still hate trap".
That being said I did enjoy illuminum who mix of Base House and Trap was enjoyable, it was a shame he did not bring his full show. Marshmallow sets seem to be becoming more commercial as he gets further entrenched in mainstream pop culture. Martin Garrix played a fresh set, it was something I had not seen him play before. It really took me by surprise, he seems to have abandoned all his standard radio tracks for fresh edits and remixes. Garrix was the first one to show us the true power of the stage as he was playing during sunset. It did not disappoint, the stage was nowhere near Miami or Europe however it was a step in the right direction and it is by far the best stage to hit our shores for a long time.
After Garrix it was over to the resistance stage for Adam Bayer. I have to be honest once again, I have always been into my Trace, House and Big Room. I was apprehensive going to see Bayer thinking it would be melodic Techno but I could not have been more wrong. It was the perfect way to close out a great day. It was there a friend of mine Marco said to me that the festival also felt different to him. I think he described it perfectly by saying it had a European feel. Which was spot on! For those that have not been to a festival in Europe let me try and explain. People seemed to be enjoying the music and not just there to take there shirt off and not face the stage. People seemed friendly and having more fun. What Ultra and Lucky entertainment did in Melbourne was nothing short of a GOD DAMN MIRACLE with the crackdown on Festivals.
At this point, I want to close by congratulating the VIC Police. They have an impossible job in a very trying political climate, The 2 officers and there Sargent that I dealt with were Kind, Respectful, Funny and most of all gentle with the rubber glove. hahaha
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I would love to hear your thoughts on the festival.