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Behind The Decks

Is a new deal signed by the Swedish superstars at the core of the latest 2 cancellations and are there more to come?

Here is what we know,

Last week Ingrosso and Angelo were due to perform at XS in Vegas. Ingrosso did the last min no show and Angelo did the show alone. Angelo came to the defence of Ingrosso on Insta after the show sighting visa issues preventing Ingrosso entering the USA. Only days later SHM cancels their Ultra show in Korea with no statement as to why just that it was unforeseen circumstances. Since these two incidents, there has been no official statement from the SHM camp.

Now here is where it gets very convoluted and I will do my best to keep this brief.

DJ Mag Germany seem to have a source close to the camp if not in it. They have reported that SHM has signed an exclusive deal with Live Nation and they (Live Nation) are leaning on the group to cancel any events that don't profit Live Nation. They have also reported that there could be a whole lot more cancellations coming as Live Nation have plans to do a worldwide stadium tour.

In the same article, they have mentioned that it is not all puppy dogs and rainbows between the boys. Saying that the same conflicts that broke them up in the first place are back and that Ingrosso just did a flat out no show in Vegas and the other 2 lads as an F*&K YOU did the no show at Ultra.

Finally, the internet have there own theory being quite simply that Ultra did not comply with there stage and lighting demands and therefore they did not play.

So what do we make of all this?

I am sorry to say that only time will tell, everyone at Live Nation is being very tight-lipped as are the SHM boys. However, since 1 set from the trio costs around 1 million euros I am sure they can get over there beef. If there is, in fact, a binding contract in place that could be a different story.

The next event the group are booked for in Tinderbox on June 26th.



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